Wrapping it up

 One last doc appt, think I’ve covered all my bases for another year. David and I went to the fabric store to find some material to make drapes for the boat. The ones we have now have faded to some unnamed shade of yellow and I’m ready for a change.  I’ll tackle those when we get back to Virginia.  The boat yard is making progress on our honey-do list but still no word on the stabilizer fin being fixed, nor the rat status.  We have one more week here in Phoenix before we drive back to the East coast.  Tomorrow is pool day at one of the resorts, wednesday I get to spend with my Mother, one night is Pad Thai and fried rice night at Grant’s house, pre-4th of July fireworks one night with Uncle Grant and the last thing on the list is Pomo Pizza night.  Then back to Boatland๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘


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