Still in New Orleans
David and Ellie (our labradoodle) and I are still in New Orleans. We have been here about 6 weeks getting things on the boat fixed, replaced, maintained. The boat is 720 sq ft and we have finally found spots for everything. We are getting used to living small, it seems very normal now. I have found I really don’t need 7 spatulas and 4 sets of mixing bowls. In order to get the boat insured, we are required to have a captain come and certify that we can run the boat safely. Captain Bernie was here for a few days, then left as the weather was so bad and we had repairs that left us unable to take the boat out for some maneuvering training. He should be back about March 6th. Hopefully all the work will be done and the weather will be nice enough to head east towards Florida. Stay tuned❤️
Sounds very exciting. We need pics of course. Maybe before you head back and if you're in Mesa, we'd love to get together. I see you have a very old email, please change to
Not sure how this even got to me!
We're good here. SOS just different day!
Love you guys, stay safe.
Oh Pam! Thanks for this blog! Keep it up & include pics! I'll enjoy following you !