Still chasing the rat, 31 days

 We are determined to catch this rat, went to the store and bought 24 more sticky traps.  David tore apart the ceiling in the guest stateroom and put a large trap up there. We will have to lock Ellie in our room tonight since there will be freaking traps everywhere. He is getting hungry enough to get into the spices in the galley, oh and he chewed the top of a drawer off.  His teeth must be enormous by looking at the size of the wood chips that were everywhere. We’re trying Slim Jim’s on tonight’s menu.  Had drinks with some boat neighbors, then came home to try crab cakes again.  Another colossal fail.  Since we had too much egg last time, we (meaning me) tried no eggs.  It just turned into “a drowned in butter melted dairy mess”.  It tasted ok but just way too much sour cream, cream cheese, butter, Mayo.  And you know that’s a lot when our Dairy Family says it’s too much. I put the leftovers in the frig but doubt they will get eaten, they’ll stay in there till they turn green and I can throw them away with less guilt.  Leslie and Jake got to meet Harry tonight, Jake even held him, pretty brave for a 12year old. Headed back to Deltaville in the morning, seas are predicted to be calm, but can’t really trust the weather maps, hurry up and wait and see. Thanks for coming by❤️

Stuff everywhere as we unload the guest stateroom.

Drawer chewed up.

Jake and Harry.

Harry catching some zzz’s.

David tearing up the stateroom, again.

Wood chips by the spices drawer.

Grant holding his new son. They have  to wear a mask when holding Harry, a Covid thing.

And baby makes three.

Jake and Harry.


  1. I can see Jake as the new big brother. It will be fun watching them grow up together
    and become best buds. Can you fumigate for rats?? Just asking. Hugs

  2. Again I say The Rat Zapper around $40 Danny used dried dog food for bait - after 3 days it was caught - it showed signs of trying to get it prior. We have 2 of them and have caught so many. As have our kids when needed!


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