One of my favorite things to do is to go out to breakfast. I found a place that had gluten free pancakes, they were actually pretty good. David had a cheeseburger so we were both happy campers, win-win! We went to Jamestown, it was very fun. There were a lot of exhibits open and the demonstrations were fun to watch. I loved the chickens running around! We drove to Yorktown next, it had a lot of historical sites, a lot of people wandering around and not much parking, ha. We made our way back to the boat, we’re pooped, even Ellie is dragging. Our passes are good for 7 days so I think we will go back in the next couple of days and look around Yorktown a little more. Decent weather held for today, tomorrow should be a little warmer so we’ll definitely stay on the shady side of the street.
Using a lathe that works with ropes and a foot pedal.
Rooms in the home of a mid level family.
Church, you wouldn’t fall asleep in those pews. Attendance was mandatory to maintain the Protestant religion.
The stores of barrels of foods, tools, tobacco drying.
One of three ships that landed in Jamestown. Look at the size of those lines, yikes!
Sunset at the marina tonight.
Prayer inside the church.
Inside a Powhatan
Dwelling.Cannon ready to defend the fort.
Their armor hung beside their beds to be ready quickly.
Powhatan warrior with his skins.
Building a canoe by burning out the interior of the tree.
Another Powhatan dwelling.
Outside of the church.
Middle family’s .bedroom.
There was a hearth in every room.
Inside the Powhatan dwelling.
Rooster that was running around near the blacksmith.
Tonight’s sunset again.
Powhatan women making pottery.
Bells in the church.
Just a pretty flower.
He was making arrows and quivers.
Tobacco plot.
Showing the tools and skins.
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