Little Havana and mojitos
Great day! We left the marina early this morning and fought our way through 6 bridge lifts in one hour. We only missed one bridge but that was because one bridge operator lifted late in order to accommodate a sailboat that wanted to go through too. That 6 minutes of delayed opening messed up our timing for the next bridge. No biggie. We arrived at Venetian Marina about 1pm. The dock master tried to put us in a 15' slip and the boat is 16' wide so we moved to a little bit bigger spot. Yay, we made it. David found a dog park and it was a short walk for all of us. Ellie wasn't interested in playing with the other dogs, she just wants to play with her toy. The first time I threw it, some little punk dog snatched it away from her and then did laps around her for about 10 mins. Punk dog's dad was on the phone and ignored his little darling. At minute 11, I started chasing the Punk and got Dad's attention. After 2-3 more mins Dad finally got it away from him. Ellie was not happy about the theft! Punk finally left and we got to throw her frisbee toy. She tires out pretty fast, age and a little extra weight slows her down. We came back to the boat, dodging the crazies (homeless guys) and Ellie finally caught her breath and laid down for a snooze. We got an Uber to Little Havana. It was like a different country. The music was blaring the best Cuban music! While wandering around, we found the dominos club. It is an outdoor covered arena with lots of tables for 4 men and all were concentrating on the game. This was serious business! THEN...we found this Cuban restaurant, oh my gosh, amazing food and they had their own resident chicken that was working the crowd. The back patio where we ate looked like a postcard, it was a perfect setting. We got an Uber back to the boat just in time to watch the big cruise ships leave port. David found a Miami cam and we were able to watch them leave on our TV. When you see the picture, our marina would be at the bottom left of the screen if it was zoomed out more. We had a wonderful day and feel so lucky to be doing this boating phase of our lives. Today we went from Ft Lauderdale to Miami, 20 long miles, 4 hours. The water temp is up to 77 degrees, the air temperature was 82 & 63%.
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