David Rocks!

 (Trumpet Fanfare Introduction) My amazing husband installed a Reverse Osmosis in the galley for me  this morning!!!! We will no longer have to cart 12 gallons of water onto the boat for drinking and cooking every 12 days.  That's a big deal in our world.  We invited Kirk over for pizza night and I thought I'd make some kind of dessert.  I started gathering the necessities, including the mixer.   It was nowhere to be found, gremlins again I think.   I have searched, organized and emptied and dug through every cabinet looking for that darn thing and if I could also find the metal pizza peel that the gremlins have hidden, it would be a wondrous day.  The wind died down today, quite a few boats left the marina hoping the Atlantic has called down from it's 8' waves to a much more tolerable  size.  Our not so windy day became Ellie's "brushings" day.  The back deck has hot/cold water so she first got a bath, baby shampoo for her face (so if the soap gets in her eyes it doesn't sting). We next used her special doggy hair dryer, then the doggy clippers and scissors.  Two hours later, we had a grocery bag of hair and a much cooler Ellie.  She slept most of the rest of the day, she is really good but it does stress her out.  The pizza turned out ok, still a little too much salt in the dough and even though the yeast is still in date, we might need some a little fresher.  Maybe when Leslie and Jake get here (in 4 days!!!!) we will try pizza again, let's hope third time is a charm.

  After brushings 


  Before (probably a good thing there's no smell-a-vision)


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